Detailed Quarterly Royalties Report

We will send you a detailed statement of all royalties at the end of every quarter.

Filters to find Your detailed sales

You can find all the information in your daily sales with our filters.
An easier way to find sales of your Labels, Artist, Albums, Tracks.


After receiving sales reports from stores quarterly We will send you a royalty statement at the end of every quarter for all of the royalties we have collected from the stores on your behalf.

We clearly show you what we collected in a detailed report track to track, what commission we have deducted and what we will be payed to you.


We can send your royalties payment via PAYPAL, Western Union (Moneygram) or International Bank Transfer.

We typically pay all royalties to our clients within 45 days of a quarter ended.

Detailed quarterly royalties Report

We will send you a detailed statement of all royalties at the end of every quarter, as well as all of the info we have collected royalty from all stores detailing the artist, track, release, shop, and territory. It’s transparent and efficient.

Daily Sales

We give daily sales reporting for, Beatport, Deezer, eMusic, Google Play Music, iTunes, Juno Digital, Qobuz, Spotify, VirginMega in your account.

Dancephonic offers the most advanced sales reporting system on the market.

We are not like those other distributors in which you have to wait weeks to find out what you are selling, with us, you know in just 24 hours!.

24/7 Access to your royalty reports through a secure personal interface to monitor and analyse your sales.

Map View of Your Royalties: View your sales by continent, country and even (the) region! You can identify your main geographical targets and concentrate your promotional efforts in areas where your music is most popular.

Daily sales Filter

Filters to find your detailed sales.

You can find all the information in your daily sales with our filters an easier way to find sales of your Labels, Artist, Albums, Tracks.

Daily Sales Detailed

You Can see exactly which where the main shops that sold your catalog, number of tracks, stream and albums.

Also will know what territories (countries) buy your music and artist, track or album was sold.

Filter search deepest

You can search for a specific sale.?

Of course! You can check if any artist, track or album, that day was sold and what store. All information available to you.

Monitor your sales at all times with in depth sales reporting trend

Reviewing your sales as they happen is crucial to understanding how well your music is performing, and whether it needs further promotion or not. You cannot make decisions without data which is why we present you with daily sales figures from the biggest selection of stores.
  • View Your Daily Streams

    Millions of streams everyday Under your supervision.

  • View Your Daily Downloads

    Control Stores like Beatport or Traxsource for your downloads.

  • View Your Daily Album

    Have control over your albums, ringtones or videos directly at your fingertips.

  • Daily Trends Analysis

    With more than 14 monitored stores, Datamusic provides a daily overview on when & where your catalog is streamed and sold.

  • Playlists monitoring

    Datamusic monitors over 8,000 worldwide charts in real-time, across Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer.

  • Territory segmentation

    View charts per territory, to know exactly where your audience is.